Friday, February 14, 2020

Beauty Between Men and Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Beauty Between Men and Women - Essay Example Most of the time, debates occur because of the fact that there are instances when the recognition of each gender's special traits as a person is disregarded by the society during certain circumstances. This is primarily because of the fact that men and women are viewed differently by the human society. By the different legends, the accounts of creation, the different mythological stories, the shaping of the characteristics of both men and women becomes more vivid, thus making it possible for a person to receive a certain "mark" in their forehead as they grow up basing from their gender, even before they could even make a name for themselves. What are these marking differences all about' Men are primarily noted as the "strong" sector of the human society. They are viewed to be the primary ones to receive authority and thus imply power upon all others. Through the myths and legends [as mentioned earlier]; men were perceived to have a greater command over things compared to that of the women's capability of exercising authority over all. On the other hand, women were viewed as the weaker sector of humanity (Jervis, 2001, 17). They are referred to as the complimentary partner of men who are intended to give assistance to the men when they are to carry out their responsibilities over humankind. Because of the social philosophy based on the theory of essentialism, this traditional recognition of the role of men and women in the society became much easier to accept for so many years. (Jervis, 2001, 18) However, during the 1800's, the birth of liberalization gave way to the feminist movement of the female sector of the population. Things have really changed and the supposed unwavering capability of men to rule over others began to shiver because of primarily being disturbed by the different stresses that the said gender actually had to deal with in life. After all, men were faced with the many responsibilities that they have to complete for their families, their wives, their fellow citizens and their nation. Attending to these responsibilities mainly made some of the men's capability to handle multi-numbered responsibilities began to whither. Hence, the women, being known as the complimentary gender to that of the men, began to long for a more important role in the society as progressive individuals of the human civilization. The women then began to create movements that would actually carry their "banners of pride" towards recognition form the entire human society. The liberty from simply being a wife, being a mother or being a child has been achieved during the 1990's when women were allowed to run for positions for government administrative offices; when they were given the chance to take over high positions on business corporations; when they were allowed to consider becoming members of the military force.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

High Flight Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

High Flight Airlines - Essay Example The underlying idea of HFA is to provide its employees with an atmosphere for excellence and growth (Singapore Airlines, "Singapore Airlines - About us"). The primary objective of HFA is to fill a niche in the emerging air-travel and cargo markets linking destinations all over the world in order to achieve soaring and profitable load factors by identifying and serving key routes that are currently unexplored, un-served or inadequately served. Their idea is to reach out to places where considerable unmet demand exists. HFA plans to set a new benchmark for air service and professionalism both in the target market and beyond. The underlying strategy of HFA is to utilize the latest technologies related to aviation in order to design efficient and effective systems and to build quality control from the onset in order to ensure the highest level of operations, safety and services, which are all based around the comfort, convenience, needs and wants of the passenger and the cargo clients. P ESTLE Analysis The company is planning to expand in the South-East Asian region. The regional headquarter as decided by the board members will be set up in Thailand, given the consistent economic and financial performance of the country over the last few years. In addition to that, another aspect that influenced the board members to choose Thailand as the destination for setting the regional headquarters is because of its position relative to other South-East Asian countries and its connection with them. The following section is an in-depth PESTLE analysis of Thailand which will help the company to assess the degree of favorability as far as setting up a regional headquarter in the country is concerned. Political Analysis Thailand has implemented a parliamentary, democratic structure of government, with the King as Head of State under the Constitution, exercising the sovereign power in the administration as Thailand is a sovereign state which is free to perform her internal and exte rnal affairs without pressure, control, or intervention from other countries. The government, also known as the administration, along with the legislature and the judiciary, is the national authority whose primary responsibility is to govern the country and formulate strategies that ensure national development from different aspects. Economic Analysis Thailand, demonstrating a strong fiscal and financial stability over the past few years, has also established a suitable structure and foundation that supports economic development. The country has always accepted the free trade mechanism and has been at the forefront promoting international trade and development. As an export oriented country, its stability depends on the world economy. The government emphasizes a lot on developing the country's infrastructure and stimulating all aspects of the economy in a variety of ways. Year 2012 2011 2010 2009 Thailand's GDP per capita (World bank, "GDP per capita (current US$") $5,480 $5,192 $4, 803 $3,979 Currency Baht Currency Code THB Fiscal Year October 1 - September 30 1 USD 31.9849 THB (Oanda, "Currency converter") Socio Cultural Analysis Thailand's population is diverse in terms of ethnicity and race. Citizens of Thailand are from Thai, Mon, Chinese, Khmer, Lao and Indian descent. In addition to that